How do I set correct answers in a quiz so that I can show a winner?

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Example User
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How do I set correct answers in a quiz so that I can show a winner?

Post by Example User »

I have made some quiz questions, is there a way to get the software to calculate the number of correct answers per keypad and show a winner automatically?
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Re: How do I set correct answers in a quiz so that I can show a winner?

Post by CLiKAPAD »

Yes, the voting software can calculate scores which will be shown in the Excel export and also can be shown live as a leader board or a slide showing a single winning keypad if preferred. You can also put keypads into teams and show team scores if preferred.
First, you need to go to the slide editor for each quiz slide and set the correct answer in the answers tab. You can even give more points for harder questions if you wish.
Once you have done that the scores will automatically be shown in Excel.
To add a slide with a winner or a leader board, go to the CLiKAPAD menu and choose New Slide Wizard. Select ‘individual quiz results display’ to show winning keypads or ‘team quiz results display’ if you are planning to put people into teams.
On the first tab you can select which questions to include and on the next you can decide how many keypads/teams to show.
This will bring up a window that will allow you to select all quiz questions up to the point of the slide or any combination of those questions. It will then calculate the top (or however many you decide to show) placed person. You can do the same with a team but you would need to assign a team first. You can do this either by putting the keypads into teams or to do it from a question.
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